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Thursday, February 28, 2013

मनोहर पारिकर...कुछ एक ने जरूर ये नाम सुना होगा...!!!

# सीधी-सादी जिन्दगी जीने वाले...IIT पास-आउट मुख्यमंत्री हैं गोवा के...
# उनकी सादगी का ख्याल आये तो अंतर मन तक प्रफ्फुल्लित हो जाता...!!!
# सादगी का अंदाजा इस बात से लगाया जा सकता कि ऐसा कई बार हो चूका है गोवा में जब उन्हें होटल के चोकीदार ने रोक लिया...!!!
# कपडे भी बड़े सालीन जैसे काफी दिनों से इस्तरी करवाकर किसी ब्रीफकेस में रखे हों..!!
# पारीकर जी अपने साथ किसी भी तरह का कोई सुरक्षा दस्ता, बेडा या दिखावा नही रखते हैं...!!

मुझे नही लगता इस देश की राजनीति में उनके जैसा साधारण जीवन जीने वाला व्यक्ति आज के दिन कोई होगा..इसी वजह से सोचा आप सब के साथ उनकी कुछ एक झलकियाँ साझा करे...!!

जिंदगी की चका चौंध में...
लोग इंसानियत भुला बैठे थे...!!!
कांच के घरों में रहने वाले...
भी कंकडो से दिल लगा बैठे हैं...!!!

रेल बजट स्पेशल...!!!

आज पवन कुमार बंसल का भाषण सुना तो कुछ याद आ गया...!!!
"रोम जल रहा था और नीरो बंसी बजा रहा था...!!!"
एक बार रोम ने जबरदस्त अकाल पड गया था...जनता बुख से बेहाल पड़ी थी...जब मंत्री जी ने नीरो को जनता को संबोधित करने को कहा तो उन्होंने मंत्री जी से पूछा ये क्यूँ परेशान हैं...मंत्री ने कहानी बतायी...अब नीरो क्या कहे...सुन के आपके पेट फूल जाएंगे...!!
"अगर जनता के पास रोटी नहीं हैं तो ब्रेड खा ले...!!"
आज जनता को वाई-फाई दे रहे बंसल जी भूल गए हैं ट्रेन में यात्रा में केवल धनाड्य लोग नहीं करते...कुछ गरीब भी जाते हैं कसे हुए एक दुसरे पर लादे हुए...!!!
अब हमार घरवा के काका का जाने ई वाई फाई का होला...पूछत रहें की ई का होवेला...!!!

Astronauts:Space Station

Have you ever thought Who Takes care Of d Health of Astronauts up there in space station???

Lets Find out !!!

This is called "Miracle Box".
The astronaut’s ‘miracle box ' is a box that can detect “everything from infections, to stress, blood cells and cancer markers,” and is being tested on board the International Space Station (ISS).

Miracle box is a toaster sized small 10Kg machine which is used to diagnose medical conditions.

The machine uses fiber-optic technology to detect cell markers, blood cells and biological matter through a liquid sample within only ten minutes.

so if next time u get a chance to visit Space Station , you need not consult your Doctor ...Miracle Box is there to take care of that.


everyone heard this term..
but very few person know what actually it is....!!
so here i'm sharing you few knowledge about Animation..

=-> Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images to create an illusion of movement..
=-> The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods..
=-> This type of presentation is usually accomplished with a camera and a projector or a computer viewing screen which can rapidly cycle through images in a sequence..
=-> The position of each object in any particular image relates to the position of that object in the previous and following images so that the objects each appear to fluidly move independently of one another..
=-> Types of Animation
:---- Full animation..
:---- Limited animation..
:---- Rotoscoping..
:---- Live-action/animation..
:---- Puppet animation..
:---- Clay animation..
:---- Cutout animation..
:---- Silhouette animation..
:---- Model animation..
:---- Go motion..
:---- Object animation..
:---- Graphic animation..
:---- Brickfilm..
:---- Pixilation..
and many more....

Rail Budget-An Appeal:

Rampant corruption in railways is the main loss for it..Common Man shouldn't made scapegoat for it..Government must curb those evil to stop leakage me well stop inflate the galloping hike of fares..!!
Why you trying to swap your misgovernance with our pocket paper..!!

ऑस्कर पुरस्कार...!!!

# सर्वश्रेष्ठ फिल्म- आर्गो
# सर्वश्रेष्ठ निर्देशक- आंग ली
# सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता- डेनियल डे लुईस
# सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेत्री- जेनिफर लॉरेंस
# सर्वश्रेष्ठ सह अभिनेता-क्रिस्टोफ वाल्टज़
# सर्वश्रेष्ठ सह अभिनेत्री -ऐन हैथवे
लाइफ ऑफ पाई को चार ऑस्कर...आर्गो और ला मिज़रेबला को तीन...!!!

"ऑस्कर पिस्टोरियस" और "लांस आर्मस्ट्रांग

"ऑस्कर पिस्टोरियस" और "लांस आर्मस्ट्रांग" दोनों से हमारा काफी गहरा जुडाव था...दोनों खेल के रत्न थे...पर जिंदगी की कसौटी को खेल की बुनियाद कहा तक सम्हालेगी...!!!
आदर्श और उनके पदचिन्हों को पकड़ के चलने की परंपरा अब लगता हैं खत्म कर देनी चाहिए...जब आइकॉन ही ऐसे करतूत करेंगे तो...आम आदमी से क्या अपेक्षा की जाए...!!!
बड़ी भोर में अकेले निकल गया...
मैं भला आदमी ढूढने..!!!
कौन मदद करे मेरी...
सूरज आँख मीज रहा...!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


=-> MP4 - MPEG LAYER 4..

Difference between JPG and JPEG...??

People regularly ask myself...Is there any difference between JPG and JPEG...??
# In my opinion both are same but Older DOS-based computers were designed to handle a maximum "3-character file extension"...!!!
# Rest Both JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and JPG (Joint Photographic Group) are bitmap compression formats for picture and image files with compression ratios ranging from 10:1 to 20:1...!!!
# Newer Operating systems such as Windows XP and Vista allow for longer file extensions as evidenced by ".html"...!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Everyone aware of JCB...???
But Get some more about it...!!!
# Joseph Cyril Bamford..JCB....!!!
# World's third largest construction equipment manufacturer...!!!
# Produces over 300 types of machines....including diggers excavators...diesel engines...!!!
# It has 18 factories across the world...its products are sold in over 150 countries...!!!
# Appears in Oxford Dictionary..although its trademark...!!!

Hyderabad Massacre...!!!

Blood stains dispersed over the tippet of India...!!!
Hovering the remote control...Swapping the channels to watch the coverage...!!!
Uff what is going always in this country....News Headlines always blotted with news like 17 Killed,60 injured...Why...!!!
Troll hovering over the back of Indian Cities...Simply few terms can be executed to shutter down the violence few inch down...!!!
Think a Preview...!!!
# A well trained graduate with smart ideas to clinch for execution in Indian Context...!!!
# But he iz now Jobless...What he think development or disaster...!!!
# He needs to fill the bag os Starv first...Now Fraud...Loot comes to their mind...!!!
Government should think something in this area...!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Triatholon.....Definately remembering John Collins...!!!
"Swim 2.4 miles! Bike 112 miles! Run 26.2 miles! Brag for the rest of your life"-Collins

# A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines
# While many variations of the sport exist as triathlon but
1. Swimming...
2. Cycling...
3. Running...
is most famous in immediate succession over various distances...!!!
# Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time... including timed "transitions" between the individual swim...cycle... run components...!!!
# Olympics statisics
A. 1.5 Kms swim...
B. 40 Kms cycling...
C. 10 Kms run...

Side Window...!!!

Money trimmed a valuable portion of everybody's daily life style..Even the most hard nose follower of Austerity too can't deny with this fact.!!
Generating few rule to bind up problem oriented by money.!!
Beware not Be too close to comfort..just need to basis is aim today.!!
Money surviving as demanding mistress which generates the fleet of glittering candles,it certainly mused by peoples.!!
Values & Respect lost in fumes of modernisation desire.!!


The first phase of the project which will be open to the public from August...!!!
# The 8.8-km-long first phase is a part of the 19.54-km stretch total...!!!
# This will be the world’s second-longest monorail corridor when completed...!!!
# The longest being Japan’s Osaka monorail corridor, which is 23.8 km...!!!
# The project work began in 2008 and was expected to continue till the end of 2011...!!
# The total cost of the project has been estimated at Rs.3,000 crore while the ticket fares will range between Rs. 8 and Rs. 20...!!!

Side Window...!!!

Side Window...!!!
Aam Aadmi proverbial Common Man...Don't have the time to ask Railway Ministry that increase in Fare Tariff will setup some benefits or not...The Apple costs Rs 20 to Rs 30..Turns sweeter or not...!!!
46 to 105...Number of Train increased in last decade with four Railway Minister Reign...!!!
160 Year old railways track now needs some sort of maintenance...!!!
But who cares youth iz busy in celebrating Valentine's Day...By saying "I Usually Hate Politics"...!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Can you imagzine 3D Printing...!!!

You've seen 2D Printing...Can you imagzine 3D one...Same as Making Mask in Mission Impossible Series Films...!!!
3D printing is a method of manufacturing everything from shoes to jewelery to guns and aerospace parts...using a computer-controlled printer...!!!
# The fundamental rule of 3D printing is that it’s an additive manufacturing technique...!!!
# Unlike subtractive as machining...turning...milling & sawing...!!
# Creating actual end-use parts and objects such as & many others...!!!

ॐ श्री सरस्वती...!!!

ॐ श्री सरस्वती शुक्लवर्णां सस्मितां सुमनोहराम्।।
वह्निशुद्धां शुकाधानां वीणापुस्तकमधारिणीम्।।
सुपूजितां सुरगणैब्रह्मविष्णुशिवादिभि:।।
वन्दे भक्तया वन्दिता च मुनीन्द्रमनुमानवै:।

You'll feel amazed to know it...!!!

You'll feel amazed to know it...!!!
Do you know which monument grows seven inches every summer...???
The Eiffel Tower...It is due to the effect of heat on the metal...
Main Features:
# Bronze color metal eiffel tower model...!!!
# Durable and high quality...!!!
# Vinatge delicate France!!!
# Perfect decoration for your room, study and office ...!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vertu-Ti Costs 5 Lakhs 71 thousands..!!!

You've dream of Luxury Cars...Nd Why not Luxury Cell Phones...!!!
# Vertu the British Cellular Manufacturer well famous for making the luxury cell phones...!!!
# Vertu-Ti Costs 5 Lakhs 71 thousands..!!!
# Based on Android OS.. First Android Plateform previously on collaboration with Nokia it sets on Symbians OS!!!
# Handset frame made from titanium...Display uses Saffire...!!!
# OMG....No 4G...It lacks in this area...!!!
# Only 500 Stores in World have this Cellphone selling right...!!!
# Don't think its soft and not officials says about its toughness that even truck overflow from it without scratching...!!!
# Saffire gets scratched only by Diamond...!!!

Women's security..!!!

Justice Verma job is almost done after his commission submitted report on Women's security..!!!
But what now to will any move an inch to read out loud the manifesto..who'll undress the patriarchal belongings towards them which is traditional in India..!!

What are Google-Doodle...???

What are Google-Doodle...???
Doodles are the fun...surprising and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists...!!!
Concept originates when Google founders Larry and Sergey was trying something new with his logo as to indicate their attendance at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert...!!!
They design the theme countrywise so as to have long ranges to illustrate the diversity of each countryside...!!!
And we're always in wait of the Doodle Suspence...!!!

You could think why Four Ring in AUDI....!!!

You could think why Four Ring in AUDI....!!!
The Audi emblem of the four rings denotes one of Germany's oldest automobile manufacturers...!!!
It symbolizes the merger in 1932 of four previously independent motor vehicle manufacturers...!!!
1. Audi...!!!
2. DKW...!!!
3. Horch...!!!
4. Wanderer...!!!
These companies are the foundation stones on which the present-day AUDI AG is built...!!!

Do you know about Dry cleaning process...???

# Dry cleaning is cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water.# The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), which the industry calls "perc" or "PERC".
# It is used to clean delicate fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine and clothes dryer; it can also obviate labor-intensive hand washing.
# A cleaning machine is a motor-driven washer/extractor/dryer that holds from 20 to 100 pounds (9 to 45 kg) of clothes or fabrics in a rotating, perforated stainless-steel basket.
# As the clothes rotate in the perforated basket, there is a constant flow of clean solvent from the pump and filter system. The solvent sprays into the basket and chamber constantly -- not only immersing the clothes, but gently dropping and pounding them against baffles in the cylinder as well. The dirty solvent is pumped continuously through the filter and re-circulated free and clear of dirt that gets trapped in the filter.
# The next cycle drains and rapidly spins the clothes to expel the solvent and then goes into a dry cycle by circulating warm air through the clothes. The remaining fumes and solvent are vaporized by warm air and then condensed over cooling coils.
# Regardless of which solvent the dry cleaner uses, the quality of cleaning, the degree of soil removal, the color brightness, the freshness, the odor and the softness all depend on the degree to which the cleaner controls his filter and solvent condition and moisture. Quality control can vary day to day unless the cleaner is constantly attentive to these factors.

Do you want to know your Cell Phone Mega Pixel...!!!

Do you want to know your Cell Phone Mega Pixel...!!!
Image size of your camera will provide the information...
# 640X480.....VGA Camera
# 1280X1054.....1.3 MegaPixel
# 1600X1200.....2.0 MegaPixel
# 2048X1536.....3.2 MegaPixel
# 2564X1944.....5.0 MegaPixel
# 3264X2448.....8.0 MegaPixel
# 4000X3000...12.0 MegaPixel
So next time you check your MegaPixel...!!!

What is stop motion....??

# Stop motion (also known as stop frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own..
# The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence..
# Note that Not all stop motion requires figures or models; many stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things for comedic effect..
# The first 3D stop motion short was In Tune With Tomorrow in 1939 by John Norling..

FDI World Dental Federation ... !!!

Today I had seen "FDI" written on pepsodent toothpaste..
I get curious to know about it..
here i am sharing what "FDI" is..??
after searching i got following details about it....
And remember don't get confused in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and FDI (Fédération Dentaire Internationale)

FDI World Dental Federation
(Fédération Dentaire Internationale)

=-> FDI World Dental Federation, established in Paris in 1900 as the Fédération dentaire internationale, is the world's leading organization representing the dental profession..

=-> FDI’s membership includes approximately 200 national member associations and specialist groups from more than 130 countries..

=-> The next FDI Annual World Dental Congress will take place in:
2013 Istanbul (Turkey) - FDI 2013 Istanbul..

=-> Recent FDI Annual World Dental CongressES were held in :-

# 2012 Hong Kong (China)
# 2011 Mexico City (Mexico)
# 2010 Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)
# 2009 Singapore
# 2008 Stockholm (Sweden)
# 2007 Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
# 2006 Shenzhen (China)
# 2005 Montreal (Canada)
# 2004 New Delhi (India)
# 2003 Sydney (Australia)
# 2002 Vienna (Austria)
# 2001 Kuala Lampur (Malaysia)
# 2000 Paris (France)

Disturbed more about VAS on Your mobo'z...????

Disturbed more about VAS on Your mobo'z...????
No more VAS without your consent....SAVE THE NUMBER 155223..!!
# The service has been put in place from February 2..!!
# Telecom consumers can now register complaint about wrongful activation of value added services like mobile internet and caller tunes on a new common number, 155223, for all operators..!!
# Telecom operators will have to refund the amount if you complain within 24 hour of activation..!!
# Subscribers who have been using any value added services beyond 24 hours can also request for deactivation but they will not be eligible to claim the refund..!!

Intel Haswell... new lower power 4th generation...!!!

Intel Haswell... new lower power 4th generation...!!!
Not only i everyone Gaze on Gordon Moore Intel's founder to produce something wild and brilliant...!!!
The new line of Haswell chips are supposed to bring...!!
# A new microarchitecture with better performance per clock..!!!
# Lower power consumption than existing Ivy Bridge designs..!!
# Built using the same 22nm process and using the 3D tri-gate technology as Ivy Bridge chips.
# Run on as little as 10W..!!!
# Designed to enable thinner devices thanks to smaller cooling systems...!!
# Intel promises they'll represent one of the largest generational leaps in battery life in the firm's history.

Valentine's Day or Lottery Day...????

Valentine's Day or Lottery Day...????
# The names of the teenage women were placed in a box and drawn at random by adolescent men...!!!
# Thus a man was assigned a woman companion for the duration of the year after which another lottery was staged...!!!
# After eight hundred years of this cruel practice, the early church fathers sought to end this practice.
Nowadays things are slightly changed but theme is same not as lottery...But 4C's on to accounts...!!!
Cards...Candy...Chocolate and Credit....!!!
But today the Retail Industry whopping the event to survive their market...!!
Showing Love is beautiful But not Exposing on Money Laden Balance...!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

स्मार्ट पेन...!!!

बार बार लेखनी की गलतियों से परेसान हो गए हैं आप...तो लीजिये स्मार्ट पेन...!!!
ये हाइटेक पेन आपके पेपर पर लिखने के दौरान गलती करने पर वाइब्रेट होने लगेगा, जिससे आपको तुरंत अपनी गलती का अहसास हो जाएगा और आप गलती को सुधार सकते हैं...!!!
इस पेन को दो तरह से इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है...!!!
# पहला कैलीग्राफी मोड (सुलेख) जिसमें पेन लेख के शब्द रूप और स्पष्‍टता की खामियों के बारे में बताएगा...!!!
# दूसरा इसे आर्थोग्राफी मोड (इमला, स्पेलिंग) जिसमें पेन लेख की स्पेलिंग और व्याकरण संबंधी त्रुटियों के बारे में बताएगा...!!!

3D....4D....7D cinema...????

Get ready to digest hidden of 3D....4D....7D cinema...????Don't confuse the dimensions with can be any parameter associated...!!!
# 3D is Visual...!!!
# 4D is Visual & Interactive
Not getting the meaning let me explain...3D rollercoaster ride where the chair tilts is 4D...!!!
Now guess 5D and 6D....what it be...????
# Will be ithink full immersion with surround screen so it is all around you with holographic characters that look like they are standing next to you...!!!
# Maybe with temperature fluctuations and the long anticipated smell-o-vision...!!!

Strangled Right to Expression..!!!

By three issue Back to Back..From three different part of country..!!
North Part..Kasmir..Pragash Band..!!
West Part..Jaipur..Nandi..!!
South Part..Tamil Nadu..Kamal Haasan..!!
Now definitely hold your breath for couple of minutes...!!

What is ZUMBATOMIC...???

Want your child to be more expressive and less gadget-centric? A new dance workout...Zumbatomics may be the answer...!!!
# ZUMBATOMIC is a fun fitness program designed especially for kids aged 4 - 12 years...!!!
# It combines high energy with the ZUMBA program's rhythms like salsa..cumbia..reggaeton...merengue...!!
# Games too provide a safe effective and fun workout...!!
# There's an emphasis on what is developmentally appropriate for too says that a 4 year old can't physically do everything a 12 year old can...!!!
# So ZUMBATOMIC classes are usually split into two main groups...!!!
1. Lil Starz classes are for kids aged 4 - 7 years
2. Big Starz is for kids aged 8 - 12 years.
# The goal is to develop a healthy lifestyle and to incorporate fitness as a natural part of children's lives...not just as a class they attend once a week...!!!
# While exercise is a very important part of childhood development...!!!

How to Measure Roughness....???

How to Measure Roughness....An Human Mind the Garbage always....Thinks always something Wild...!!!We usually measure roughness in microns or nano microns...!!!
# Ra=Average roughness
# Rmax= Maximum Roughness
# Rrms=Root mean square Roughness
Instrument to be used = Surface Roughness tester/Profilometer
Exactly More the Ra more smooth is the surface...!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Really excited to know about all the pencils...From HB Kids pencils to large collection in Artist Box...!!!

# Pencils are all marked on a European system called the degree scale....!!!
# H is hardest and B is blackest.
# This is the arrangement from light to dark....
9H, 8H, 7H, 6H, 5H, 4H,3H,2H, H F,HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B ,5B ,6B ,7B ,8B ,9B
# H pencils have a higher concentrate of clay than graphite, whereas the B pencils have a much lower percentage of clay.
# The B pencils make soft, dark marks, whereas the H pencils have a much harder, lighter mark.
# The F pencil stands for fine point, which is slightly harder than the HB making it a good writing pencil.

Aspect Ratio..

=-> The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of a shape to its height when the width is larger than the height, i.e. the shape is positioned as a "landscape" rather than "portrait"..
=-> The aspect ratio is expressed as two numbers separated by a colon (x:y)...

=-> 'x' represents actual length and 'y' represents actual height..

This is false; they actually represent the relation between width and height. As an example, 8:5, 16:10 and 1.6:1 are the same aspect ratio..
Aspect Ratios =->
=-> 4:3 :- Some 20th century computer monitors, standard-definition television..
=-> √2:1 :- International paper sizes..
=-> 3:2 :- 35mm still camera film, iPhone displays..
=-> 16:10 :- Widely used widescreen computer displays..
=-> Φ:1 :- Golden ratio..
=-> 5:3 :- Super 16 mm, a standard film gauge in many European countries..
=-> 16:9 :- Widescreen TV..

Regularly getting party forced me to search BUFFET...What is it...!!!

# Buffet is a self service system of dining in restaurant or parties....
# Buffet is a very popular system of food service in any party or restaurant....
# It's a popular method of feeding large numbers of people with minimal staff...
# The buffet became popular in the English-speaking world in the second half of the nineteenth century...
# History...The buffet table originates from the Brännvinsbord Swedish schnapps table from the middle of 16th century...
Aagey se Dhyan Rakhna...Buffer nahi hain Buffet Hain...Dehati Giri Nahi...!!!

Kиowlєdgє ƒαсtoяy

Kиowlєdgє ƒαсtoяy

इस पेज को बने लगभग एक साल दो महीने होने को हैं...और जैसा हमने कामना किया था बिल्कुल उसके अनुरूप ही सारा कुछ चल रहा...हमें मेम्बर या फिर लाइक की दरकार नहीं...बस चाहता हूँ कुछ देना इस नयी पीढ़ी को जो अपना कीमती समय फेसबुक पर बिताती...उनकी ये लत छुडवा पान मुस्किल हैं..पर हम कुछ ऐसा करे जिससे उन्हें फायदा हो...और काफी हद तक हम कामयाब हुए हैं लोग बड़े चाव से पढ़ते हमारे पेज को...!!!
और इसी कदम में हमने कुछ पोस्टो को संकलन करके e-book बनाने का सोचा हैं...काफी टिप्पड़िया आई कुछ सकारात्मक तो कुछ नकारात्मक भाव झलके...!!!
पर हमने फैसला किया हैं की हर महीने की बीच में हमारी एक संकलन होगी...लगभग चालीस पेज की...और हाँ सभी वर्गों को ध्यान रखा जाएगा...!!
ये किताब हमारे वेबसाइट के Flash Book मेनू में रहेगी...!!!
वेबसाइट का पता नोट करिए...

Friday, February 1, 2013


=-> Future Splash Animator was a vector-based animation editor written by Jonathan Gay for his company, FutureWave Software..

=-> The company and the product were later bought by Macromedia then Adobe Systems, and became Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash)..

Adobe Flash =->
=-> Adobe Flash is a multimedia and software platform used for authoring of vector graphics, animation, games and Rich Internet Applications which can be viewed, played and executed in Adobe Flash Player..

=-> Flash is frequently used to add streamed video or audio players, advertisement and interactive multimedia content to web pages..

=-> Flash manipulates vector and raster graphics to provide animation of text, drawings, and still images..
It supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone and camera..

=-> Flash applications and animations can be programmed using the object-oriented language called ActionScript..

=-> Adobe Flash Professional is the most popular and user-friendly authoring tool for creating the Flash content, which also supports automation via the JavaScript Flash language..


Daily term but when ask to the person always create the confusion..Starting with Catching...!!!
# A cache is a temporary storage location for some data or instructions that need to be accessed quickly or repeatedly..!!
# A cache's primary attribute is that it’s written to once, and read from many times. without time lags..!!!
# Buffer is something like the Bucket filled with water once and we're pin it at bottom to take the water outlet...!!!
# Now you can say Buffers differ from caches in that once filled, data is usually only read back out once. ..!!!
# Buffering is useful because bits may arrive erratically but must leave smoothly....So the bits are brought in as quickly as possible, and the output is delivered on time...!!!
# Streaming is the name given to real time broadcasting of audio visual media over the internet..!!
# Very Important...Streaming requires that the average data rate of the connection is equal to or greater than the data rate of an audio visual media file..!!!
# Just in order to ensure uninterrupted playback...If the data rate of the connection falls then there will be an interruption in playback....When it resumes some of the "broadcast" will have been missed...!!!
# Depends upon:
1.Network Bandwidth..
3.Server hard disks..

Daily hearing about the Mobile Cellphone Radiation...!!!

# SAR:Specific Absorption Rate
Rate at which energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to a radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field
# SAR is usually averaged either over the whole body, or over a small sample volume as per requirement
# The value will depend heavily on the geometry of the part of the body that is exposed to the RF energy, and on the exact location and geometry of the RF source
# It too depends on:
Orientation of operation...!!!
Body Posture...!!!
Distance from Base Station...!!!
# Few country designed safety limits for these...!!!
# ICNRP(International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) setup the guidelines to use the Phones...!!!

Cinema of India...!!!

  1. Assamese cinema
  2. Badaga cinema
  3. Bengali cinema (West Bengal)
  4. Bhojpuri cinema
  5. Gujarati cinema
  6. Hindi cinema
  7. Kannada cinema
  8. Konkani cinema
  9. Kosli cinema
  10. Malayalam cinema
  11. Marathi cinema
  12. Oriya cinema
  13. Punjabi cinema
  14. Tamil cinema (Tamil Nadu)
  15. Telugu cinema
  16. Tulu cinema

You can be dreaming of it....One of the most expensive Car...!!!

Exactly i'm talking about Bugatti Veyron
# The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is a mid-engined grand touring car..!!
# $2,400,000...Loose your pocket to empty for buying it in a huge sacks of crores notes...!!!
# Designed and developed by the Volkswagen Group...!!!
# Manufactured in Molsheim, France by Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S...!!!
# Capable of reaching 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds
# Veyron is the fastest street legal car when tested again on July 10, 2010 with the 2010 Super Sport Version reaching a top speed of 267 mph (430 km/h)...
So when competing against a Bugatti Veyron you better be prepared...!!

Wow what a country...???

VLCC:Slimming Beauty Fitness
Vandan Luthra
# Slimming & Beauty Saloon
# Only for Rich Class

Mr. Anand Kumar
# Coaches economically backward student for IIT-JEE
# Discovery Channel showcased his work as Documentary